Sutukoba rual agricultural and development project proposal.
Sutukoba is a big Mandinka village situated about 39 kilometres from the regional center Basse in the northern part of Upper River Division in The Gambia. The population is estimated to be well over 3 000 inhabitants. 60 % of which are women.
The entire community is predominantly engaged in farming of upland crops, horticulture fruit trees and rain fed rice production.
The staple food is rice and coos. There is currently a rise in prices of food especially rice.
However, shortage of food was a common problem due to poor rains during the short rainy seasons. Four months of the rainy season which is Characterised by uneven rainfall results into crop failure and acute food shortage during the “hungry season” (August and September). The people of rural Gambia especially in Sutukoba live a “hand to mouth” subsistence life. They expect a once-a-year source of cash income in Desember/January when they sell their cash crops. They have no other source of income except petty trading and the sale of small ruminants.
A rural agricultural project for Sutukoba to be enlarged and developed in an existing 400 hectare perimeter which is suitable for rice production will immensely improve the standards of living especially harvesting at least four times a year. This will be based on rain fed rice production, and production through irrigation during the dry seasons.
The proposed area for the rice project is 3 kilometres from the village and is 50 meters from the River Gambia. The land area is a flat savannah, thus its development and enlargement will be financially reasonable.
Rice production, harvesting at least four times a year shall be one of the quickest solutions to securing food; generate income for the people of Sutukoba, the surrounding villages and the Upper River Division at large.
To be able to cultivate rice in the 400 HA of land not only during the rainy season but also in the dry season. Improve rice production of farm families of Sutukoba so that they can be self sufficient in food and increase their incomes. Eventually to make Gambia self sufficient in rice which is the staple food of the country.
The project will be administered in three levels ;
1. Aktive Fredsreiser – Travel for Peace
They will be responsible for the application in Norway and the control and disbursement of funds to the Gambia. Within this organisation there is a rice committee which will be responsible and they are as follows
HELGA ARNTZEN - Leader of the committee
UWE ARNTZEN - Assistant Leader
HUGO HANSEN - Financial Controller
2. Sutukoba Rice committee
This is the level on the ground in Sutukoba. They will be responsible for the day to day running of the field
They are the main beneficiaries of the project. At their level the field will be divided into two parts.
The first part will also be subdivided into smaller units amounting to the number families in the village. This is done specifically to enable the villages to grow their own rice to feed themselves.
The remaining is going to be a community project. The needed labour will be provided by the village and their committee will be responsible administering it. The main purpose of have this part of the project separated from the other is to use proceeds from this to sustain the project and invest into other village development activities. The compositition of the village rice committee is as follows;
MR MADI JATTA - Chairman
MS BINTOU FOFANA - Vice Chairperson
MR MORRO JATTA - Secretary
MR BA ARFANG JABBIE - Vice secretary
MS BABO JALLOW - Assistant Accountant
MR. FODAY JABBIE - Assistant auditor
MR WANDI DARBOE - Agricultural Adviser
Other village committee members without portfolio includes
The number of women in the committee at Sutukoba shows the importance of the role of women in the production of food in Africa and in particularly The Gambia.
As a control and monitoring mechanism, the Aktive Fredsreiser Peace Foundation in the Gambia have been given the responsibility of oversee the Sutukoba rice committee. There will be need for agricultural advice regard the different stages from the cultivation to harvesting of the rice. It is the responsibility of the foundation to be identifying and bringing experts to the field when the need arises.
In addition they will responsible facilitating the marketing of the rice upon harvesting.
Finally it is the responsibility of the foundation to see to it that the project works to expectations.
Their composition is as follows;
PPROFESSOR ANDREAS STEIGEN Vice Chancellor , university of The Gambia
MR. LAMIN SAM JAITEH Registrar, University of The Gambia
DR. SAIDOU JALLOW Permanent Secretary, Department of State for Higher Education, Science and Technology.
DR. MOMODOU JAIN Senior Lecturer and Chair for Research and Strategy, university of The Gambia.
- To establish and have an operational Agricultural scheme for active rice production, upland crops and horticulture.
- To assist rural subsistence farmers to develop to commercialized farming thus increasing agricultural production and eventually their income earning capacity.
To acquire better knowledge and skills in crop and rice production in order to attain food security and self sufficiency through irrigation and larger scale farming.
- To strengthen community action planning, management, and mobilization for sustainability.
In 1994 the first rice project was tried. The rice came out nice to start with but flooding from the river coupled with heavy rains destroyed the entire crops.
This was followed by few other trials without much success. After a series of trials and seeking technical advice from relevant authorities, it was decided that growing rice using irrigation by getting water either from the river or through a boe-hole during the long dry season should be tried.
On the other hand creating a big wall between the river and the rice field have also been recommended and is part of the proposal. This will stop the water coming from the river flooding the rice field.
In this way it will be possible to cultivate and harvest rice four times in the year.